Nor rain, sleet, snow, colds, ear infections, termites, long work hours, can stop the - - well, they did. We missed last week’s episode and what resulted this week is a mishmash of what should have aired last week and something new. Chris was kind enough to put together a little something on his own to give you the latest news including NYCC’s reveals, thoughts on Ghostbusters The Video Game Remastered and more. Then, in the second half of the show, Chris has some Halloween viewing suggestions starring a few familiar faces.
#108 - Michael C. Gross/Producer and Designer - August 23, 2015
For this week's show we reach back into the Proton Charging vault for an interview with Michael C. Gross, Associate Producer of Ghostbusters (1984) and Executive Producer of Ghostbusters II and The Real Ghostbusters. Gross joins Crossrip co-host Chris Stewart at the time of the first film's 30th Anniversary to discuss his origins with the Lampoon, Heavy Metal, and Spacehunter then also talks about the impact of the No-Ghost logo on popular culture. Another interview that's not to be missed for fans of Ghostbusters and comedy!