chris hemsworth

#409 - "Ghostbusters World" - March 5, 2018


We've just taken our first step into a much larger world. At least, one that can be viewed through a smartphone. Join us this week as we analyze the surprise announcement of an augmented reality mobile game called Ghostbusters World. We've got the press release on hand to examine all the details and speculate on what some of the games' features may bring. Then, stay tuned for a few brief news items including IDW Comics news, Chris Hemsworth joining up to save the universe again and much more!

#223 - "Old-Time Ecto-Cooler Hooch" - May 30, 2016

The 32nd Anniversary of the original Ghostbusters is upon us and there's lots to talk about both classic and new. Join Troy and Chris as they chat Fathom Events, the return of Ecto-Cooler and a discussion on how it still tastes (especially when combined with other mixers), Ghostbusters International #5 from IDW Comics, chatting about that second Ghostbusters (2016) international trailer, the four new leads from the 2016 film showed up on Ellen for an entertaining interview, we'll play you some of the highlights including casting, action figures, and Chris Hemsworth, discussion on the Empire Magazine articles and a few gems hidden within them (including the return of Ghostbusters: Hellbent?), National Tyre's contest to send folks in the UK to New York City, then a rapid-fire merch round-up with Macy's, Diamond Select, Ecto-Mini cheat codes, Cryptozoic, and much more!

#221a - Cyclotron: Ghostbusters (2016) "Trailer 6" Discussion and Breakdown

Bright and early this Wednesday morning, Sony Pictures dropped a surprise trailer on us all and boy Ned Ryerson was it a doozy. So many great new images, the original Ray Parker Jr. theme song kicking in, and there's that whole subtitle "Answer the Call" debate that we have a little inside information direct from the source. But it is a roundtable, this isn't some goofball reaction video on YouTube. We've gotta talk shop about this, in a spiritual sense of course - and we've brought in the best of the best of the best by teaming up with the awesome team at the Yes Have Some Podcast to join us. It's two podcasts for the price of none (yay free) with this special Cylotron that brings Troy and Chris together with Craig Goldberg, Abigail Gardner, and Jacob Walsh to dissect this trailer from start to finish. So what're you waiting for? The apocalypse? Check it!

#221 - "Remembering Stephen Dane/State of the Ghostbusters Nation" - May 16, 2016

Hold on for a special two-hour episode this week as Troy and Chris bring you the latest news, then have a bit of a point/counterpoint on the State of the Ghostbusters Nation. Up first, the big news about the new Times Square experience brought to you by The Void and Madame Tussauds. Then we pay tribute to the recently passed Stephen Dane, hardware consultant on Ghostbusters who is responsible for so many of the iconic images you know and love to this day. News on the Fathom Events and BBQ Films screenings. Real Ghostbusters DVD re-release news. The latest Ghostbusters (2016) news: Chris Hemsworth talks the original film and Kevin, the four new leads talk the Google Science Fair and Paul Feig talks (a whole lot). Lots and lots of merchandise news from Mattel, Activision, Cryptozoic, LEGO Dimensions, talking about that possible Kevin Ecto-Mini spoiler, and more. Then, in our second hour of the show, Troy and Chris discuss the heated topic at hand: negativity, positivity, trolls, bullies, and a whole lot more. As the noise among the social networks grows louder and louder, it's time that the guys talked out a few of their thoughts on the current "State of the Ghostbusters Nation."

#210a - Cyclotron: Ghostbusters (2016) Trailer Discussion - March 4, 2016

The new trailer is here! The new trailer is here! Join us for the second (and largest yet) Cyclotron roundtable that dives into chatting about the trailer. Troy and Chris are joined by IDW Artist (Dapper) Dan Schoening, Georgia Ghostbusters Craig Goldberg and Abigail Gardner, and Ghostbuster of BC Evilyn13 to examine every nook and cranny of that trailer like an English Muffin, and through the process might reveal a thing or two that you hadn't noticed the first 200 times viewing it. Tone, humor, horror, design, and the master of comic panel easter eggs helps the group notice a thing or two deep within the frames, don't miss this one!

#206 - "Ghostbusters Alright!" - February 8, 2016

It’s getting crazy out there (and something tells us this is just the beginning), so get caught up on everything that happened before this Friday with Troy and Chris. First up, the guys talk about the relaunch, and look in depth at the new imagery for both classic and new Ghostbusters (and discuss the distinction between Classic and New). One of those photos is our first official look of Chris Hemsworth’s character Kevin - why are they withholding his last name and keeping him ambiguous? Is it important to a plot point? Is he a Janine allegory? Especially given his distinctive costume choices? Oh, and as result of the website launch, Paul Feig tells us that a trailer is coming out by the end of the month. Dave and Busters is gearing up for Ghostbusters 2016 with a new photo op display and the guys talk a bit about gameplay of the ticket redemption video that’s out in the wild. New GB16 shirts are showing up at Target as part of a test run, have you found yours yet? We haven’t! Speaking of merch, this magazine Retailer Merchandiser keeps feeding us gold, including our look at some book covers that might actually include our first glimpses of the new redesigned Slimer? Martin Charles the Graphic Designer on Ghostbusters (2016) was profiled by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences and discussed a little about what he contributes to a film. Halloween Life interviewed Eldo Ray Estes, whom you might not recognize by name, but you’ll recognize from one very particular soundbite in the first Ghostbusters film. Stern Pinball details have leaked about an upcoming cabinet and the different iterations that are coming (and those details were quickly taken down), but the guys still caught enough of it to chat about. Finally Death and Taxes asked the question that’s always been on our minds: just what was Slimer supposed to be?  

#115 - Dan Schoening/Artist IDW Ghostbusters Comics - October 12, 2015

A brief tribute to a fallen friend Ryan Kemp by Chris, then the latest news, and an interview with Ryan Doell and IDW Comics artist Dan Schoening. This week's news in jam-packed because of the recent New York Comic-Con and all the announcements that came out of the Big Apple. And fittingly, it's double-stuffed to talk quite a bit about IDW's Ghostbusters Get Real and its conclusion. Also this week: brand new Ghostbusters shoes, Michael C. Gross Day and appreciation, that Rick Moranis interview that everyone is talking about, a new Paul Feig interview where he discusses casting Chris Hemsworth, LEGO Dimensions, Anovos is going to be selling Ghostbusters-related props, oh and there might be a Ghostbusters animated film in the hopper?

#114 - "Extreme Ghostbusters: 18 Years Later" - October 4, 2015

This week on the Crossrip: news, updates, and a look back at the animated Extreme Ghostbusters on its 18th birthday! First up, a quick update on "King of the Ghostbusters" Peter Mosen, Troy and Chris dance around some GB16 casting spoilers (but don't spoil them), Theodore Shapiro might be scoring Feig's new film (and what does that mean for Henry Jackman? Or Hugh Jackman for that matter?), Yahoo has a great interview with Paul Feig on spoilers, and NYCC promises Diamond Select Reveals and a scavenger hunt for Ghostbusters: The Ultimate Visual History. After the news, stick around for discussion on Extreme Ghostbusters, where were Chris and Troy when it first aired? How did the internet play into its release? What went wrong with the show's ratings? And why hasn't it been released on a digital home video format? All that and more in another jam-packed Crossrip!

#109 - "Whole Mess O' News" - August 31, 2015

Time to catch up on a WHOLE lot of news over the past week! Zoobe has a Slimer app that lets you put your voice in his mouth, IDW teases the Sandman (and Chris teases Troy with his Sandman impression), Melissa McCarthy is going to sell a Ghostbusters line of clothing, a metric-ton of Ghostbusters (2016) production news including photos from Paul Feig, Chris Hemsworth and Melissa McCarthy, and a slight correction on our reporting for the LEGO Dimensions Ghostbusters tie-in. Oh yeah, and that big spoiler about a cameo that leaked? We're not going to talk about it, but we're going to talk about how we're not going to talk about it. Crazy, huh?