alberta ghostbusters

#508 - "Fan Fest Frenzy" - February 25, 2019

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This week on the show, a filming location and start date for Ghostbusters (2020) is announced as are details (and prices) for the Ghostbusters Fan Fest in Culver City. First up, in our new Ghostbusters 20/20 segment, the boys round up all the news and rumors on Jason Reitman’s upcoming Ghostbusters sequel including casting, Ernie Hudson chat, and his appearance on the Bill Burr podcast. Then, with the news that the film is shooting in Calgary, what can be gleaned from that information? Also, IDW has announced a Ghostbusters/Transformers crossover coming in June. Into the Dead 2 has launched a Ghostbusters tie-in and more. Then, join us as we dissect all of the Ghostbusters Fan Fest information that’s been announced including what the event will entail, why we think it’s so darn expensive, and what is still to be determined.

#418 - "Paul, Steve, Ray and Ernie" - May 7, 2018


This week on the show, Paul Feig wants another Call, Ernie and Ray chat, and Steve Johnson does a little nose candy. First up, Troy and Chris discuss the click bait du jour as Paul Feig mentions on the Simple Favor press circuit that he'd like to do another Ghostbusters film, what does it mean? Also, Steve Johnson got a little more ink this week because of his unorthodox inspiration for Slimer - a new revelation most likely to come in his next book. Rounding out the show is some discussion about Ray Parker Jr.'s podcast with Ernie Hudson and a couple shout outs to the Alberta Ghostbusters and the Ecto Force of Florida. It's a fun one, make sure to tune in!