Erik burnham

#613 - "The Waiting Game" - April 6, 2020

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This week on the show, Ghostbusters Afterlife slides to March of 2021 and Ghostbusters Year One Issue #3 discussion. Up first, Sony Pictures made the difficult decision to move Ghostbusters Afterlife to release on 3/5/21 due to the ongoing pandemic across the globe, Troy and Chris discuss why that’s a tough break for fans, but ultimately might be beneficial to the film itself. Then in the second half of the show, a spoiler-filled discussion of Ghostbusters Year One Issue #3 by IDW Comics, focusing on the side-story and a little bit of backstory of the great Dr. Peter Venkman.

#449 - "Quick News Break" - December 24, 2018

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We’re breaking into the pre-recorded programming for a quick news break. IDW Comics has made a big announcement for 2019 (and the promise of more on the way), a Ghostbusters stunt performer has passed away, and SyFy is advertising for a special Ghostbusters weekend with a pretty sweet new music track. Join us for a quick news update, won’t you?

#427 - "Ghostbusters Crossing Over #4" - July 16, 2018

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This week on the show, preparing for San Diego Comic-Con 2018 and chatting IDW's "Ghostbusters Crossing Over" issue four! First up, a little update on the news item about the WBZ interview from last week - we heard back from the journalist involved! Then some updates on the good ol' SDCC mayhem including Ghostbusters World's booth at "The Experience" and IDW's plans for the weekend. In the second half of the show, we're chatting spoilerific details about the fourth issue of the big Ghostbusters comic event. All that, plus a great voicemail from one of our listeners this week on the Crossrip!

#423 - "Ghostbusters Crossing Over #3" - June 18, 2018


Welcome back to our regularly scheduled Monday programming! This week on the show: Ghostbusters Day clean-up, news and IDW Ghostbusters Crossing Over #3 discussion! First up, some of the items that we didn't touch upon in last week's Ghostbusters Day celebration show, including Diamond Select Toys announcements and photos, the VOID expanding to 20 more cities, Hollywood Collectables' Egon Spengler statue release, and some news on the San Diego Comic-Con fan event. Then in the second half of the show, join us for setting up our Ghostbusters Daughter podcast book club and find out how you can be involved. After that, some spoiler-filled discussion of IDW Comics' latest release in the Ghostbusters event, Crossing Over issue 3.