
Cataloging the Ghostbusters: Answer the Call Bonus Features (Ongoing)

Today marks the digital release of Ghostbusters: Answer the Call and the great news is that it's absolutely packed with bonus features (there's almost 35 minutes of "Jokes A Plenty" alternate improv lines on their own). As discussed on the Interdimensional Crossrip podcast, you can almost view the entirety of the four-hour assembly cut between the Extended Version of the film, the deleted scenes, and over an hour of deleted and alternate scenes available via streaming.

There are already quite a few exclusives that are known out there, and there has been a lot of grouping/generalizing in terms of what bonus materials are included in the release - so in an effort to help clarify, I'll do my best to catalog the extras and what platforms they're available on. This article will be updated periodically as information is received/confirmed as to which is on which release, so keep checking back for updates.

KEY: (BD) - Blu-ray Multidisc Package, (IT) - iTunes Digital Release, (VU) - Vudu Digital Release, (AZ) - Amazon Digital Release, (MS) - Microsoft Digital Release, (PS) - Playstation Store Digital Release, (GP) - Google Play Digital Release), (FS) - FIOS Digital Release, (XF) - Xfinity Digital Release, (BB) - Best Buy CinemaNow/UltraViolet Digital Release, (SPS) - Sony Pictures Store/UltraViolet Digital Release, (TG) - Target Exclusive Disc Pack-In

Full Feature Films

Extended Cut of Film (TRT 02:13:42) - (BD, IT, VU)

Theatrical Cut of Film (TRT 01:56:28) - (BD, IT, VU)

Deleted and Alternate Scenes

Past Lives (TRT 00:02:05) - (BD, IT, VU)

The Big Test (TRT 00:00:45) - (BD, IT, VU)

The Breakup (TRT 00:06:28) - (BD, IT, VU)

Where Are You? (TRT 00:00:27) - (BD, IT, VU)

Erin Walks to Class (TRT 00:00:51) - (IT, VU - Streaming Only)

Phil & Phyllis (TRT 00:04:33) - (IT, VU - Streaming Only)

The Duke (TRT 00:02:30) - (IT, VU - Streaming Only)

Erin Gets Fired (TRT 00:03:36) - (IT, VU - Streaming Only)

The Dean (TRT 00:02:04) - (IT, VU - Streaming Only)

Tired Shanks (TRT 00:00:55) - (IT, VU - Streaming Only)

No Graffitti[SIC] (TRT 00:03:10) - (IT, VU - Streaming Only)

Bennie & Erin (TRT 00:01:11) - (IT, VU - Streaming Only)

The Longest Job Interview Ever (TRT 00:14:20) - (IT, VU - Streaming Only)

Tamar (TRT 00:00:53) - (IT, VU - Streaming Only)

Secret Handshake (TRT 00:02:58) - (IT, VU - Streaming Only)

Patty's Car (TRT 00:01:49) - (IT, VU - Streaming Only)

Mrs. Potter (TRT 00:03:09) - (IT, VU - Streaming Only)

Backstories (TRT 00:04:38) - (IT, VU - Streaming Only)

Protect the Barrier (TRT 00:03:08) - (IT, VU - Streaming Only)

The Beasts of Mayhem (TRT 00:00:44) - (IT, VU - Streaming Only)

The Singer Gets High (TRT 00:02:56) - (IT, VU - Streaming Only)

Casper (TRT 00:01:51) - (IT, VU - Streaming Only)

The Mayor's Office (TRT 00:08:07) - (IT, VU - Streaming Only)

Car Trouble (TRT 00:02:21) - (IT, VU - Streaming Only)

A Sale on Bonsai (TRT 00:01:28) - (IT, VU - Streaming Only)

Soups & Salad (TRT 00:04:01) - (IT, VU - Streaming Only)

Evacuate the City (TRT 00:02:23) - (IT, VU - Streaming Only)

Visine (TRT 00:01:16) - (IT, VU - Streaming Only)

Bring It In (TRT 00:01:24) - (IT, VU - Streaming Only)

So Glad You Came Back (TRT 00:04:33) - (IT, VU - Streaming Only)

Where's The Walkie? (TRT 00:01:56) - (IT, VU - Streaming Only)

Uncle Bill (TRT 00:01:40) - (IT, VU - Streaming Only)

Rebecca Gorin (TRT 00:01:58) - (IT, VU - Streaming Only)

The New Book (TRT 00:01:19) - (IT, VU - Streaming Only)

Behind the Scenes

Meet the Team (Featurette) (TRT 00:08:03) - (BD, IT, VU)

The Ghosts of Ghostbusters (Featurette) (TRT 00:13:56) - (BD, IT, VU)

Visual Effects: 30 Years Later (Featurette) (TRT 00:15:16) - (BD, IT, VU)

Slime Time (Featurette) (TRT 00:05:15) - (BD, IT, VU)

Chris Hemsworth is Kevin (Featurette) (TRT 00:07:42) - (BD, IT, VU)

Recreating the World of Ghostbusters (Featurette) (TRT Unknown) - (TG - Target Exclusive Bonus Disc)

Stunt Busters! (Featurette) (TRT 00:13:04) - (IT - iTunes Exclusive)

Stunt Coordinator Walter Garcia's Original Stunt-Viz for the Times Square Battle (Featurette) (TRT 00:03:38) - (IT - iTunes Exclusive)

The Full Version of the Times Square Fight with No Visual Effects (Featurette) (TRT 00:05:41) - (IT - iTunes Exclusive)

The Ecto-1 Vignette (Featurette) (TRT 00:01:56) - (VU - Vudu Exclusive - Previously Released as Marketing)

Gag Reel Round 1 (TRT 00:07:34) - (BD, IT, VU)

Gag Reel Round 2 (TRT 00:07:59) - (BD, IT, VU)

Jokes A Plenty - "Free For All" (Alternate Takes/Lines) (TRT 00:11:48) - (BD, IT, VU)

Jokes A Plenty - "Holtzmann Gone Wild" (Alternate Takes/Lines) (TRT 00:09:33) - (BD, IT, VU)

Jokes A Plenty - "The Patty Show" (Alternate Takes/Lines) (TRT 00:05:36) - (BD, IT, VU)

Jokes A Plenty - "Kevin Unleashed" (Alternate Takes/Lines) (TRT 00:04:19) - (BD, IT, VU)

Jokes A Plenty - "The Bird" (Alternate Takes/Lines) (TRT 00:02:25) - (BD, IT, VU)

Jokes A Plenty - "The Dean Goes Down" (Alternate Takes/Lines) (TRT 00:00:50) - (BD, IT, VU)

Miscellaneous Bonus Features

Rowan's Manifesto (Direct to Camera Video Manifesto - Viral Video?) (TRT 00:00:47) - (IT, VU)

Elle King "Good Girls" Music Video (TRT 00:03:09) - (IT - iTunes Exclusive)